The Great Rabbit War of 863AD: Myth or Historical Fact?
Dr. Garbeesha Plimps1, Hortense Saxifrage2, and Retired Col. Wippo Truslebeam3
1 Department of Archaeology Cranberry-Lemon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2 Battle Field Archaeology, Rothenburg, Germany
3 Medieval weaponry expert from Past Weapons of Combat – failed History Channel pilot episode replaced by more Pawn Stars episodes
Direct evidence of the Cano-Lagomorphic Wars (colloquially known as the “Great Rabbit Wars”) of 863-867AD has long eluded European archaeologists. With a treasure trove of literary evidence and a strong oral record from many southern German towns, it is a mystery that there has been little found in the archaeological records. While some have claimed to have finally found battlefield evidence of the climactic battle of Boschdenbosch forest or the Siege of Berplesberg, these claims have been labeled as misattributed at best[1] and fabricated at worst...