Ray Tracing and the Optical Design of Healing-Crystal-Constructed Adaptive Optics
Dr. Aquaria Starquiver1
1 Department of Mystical Optical Arts, Cranberry-Lemon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Only three months ago, my relationship with Jeffrey was simpler. Now I have the feeling that I might want something more, and the cloud of confusion has transformed my personal vibrations into something I cannot interpret. While crystals themselves can retain and exude positive energy, they have yet to be utilized in the field of optics to correct the vision of the third eye in an unpredictably turbulent spiritual atmosphere, as theorized in Lithbelia Sackpunce’s landmark blog post[1]. Through the spiritual qualities of my extensive healing crystal collection, this paper will design, ray trace, and implement a healing-crystal-based adaptive optics system to observe my best friend Jeffrey and determine whether or not we should be more than just friends.