Family holiday movies
A family video should be kept low-key in terms of production value; it is about memories. The focus can be on the destination, but the real key to making the movie valuable as a future asset is to feature people. Your great-grandchildren are going to be more interested in how you dressed and reacted to situations than a long pan shot of the Tuscan valley. With this in mind, I feel it is appropriate, in this section, to talk about how the video should be filmed. If you are reading this section, then you are likely the sole editor as well as the shooter, so you need to have control over the media.
Let’s look at some important points to keep in mind when shooting your travel movies.
It’s easy to say that you should plan what you are going to film. Yes, you should, but you are on holiday, so what is likely to happen is that you will turn up at an interesting location and get the sudden urge to record the amazing architecture, a festival, a street...