3. The Journey Ahead
As we conclude the first section of this book, this chapter will explain the journey we intend to take you through the remaining sections.
This will include how we intend to not just tell you about practices and techniques but also show them in action and apply them. We'll introduce a fun case study and real world stories to do this.
One of the challenges of writing a book intended to be read by a diverse group of people with different skill sets and backgrounds is how to write it in such a way that means it can be consumed, understood, and appreciated by all. From tech leads, infrastructure engineers, and OpenShift specialists, to Agile coaches, user experience designers, and project managers, to IT leaders and CXOs, we want you to grasp a shared understanding of what's behind all the practices being taught and the principles that underpin then.
The topics covered are going to range from how to capture behaviors in an empathy map using...