Next up is the C# web application. We have already done most of the work; now set up SSH.
Fixing our Jenkinsfile so that it copies our archived files automatically should not be a problem. We can do this again using SSH. First, we need to make Jenkins the owner of the webshop-net folder:
sudo chown -R jenkins:jenkins /var/www/webshop-net
Again, this means that your root user loses privileges, and if you want to copy using WinSCP, you should use the jenkins user.
After that, it is pretty much the same as for the JavaScript webshop:
sh 'rm -rf /var/www/webshop-net/*'
sh 'scp -r prod/* jenkins@ciserver:/var/www/webshop-net'
The complete code for the Archive Artifacts and Deployment steps looks as follows:
stage('Archiving Artifacts') {
steps {
node(label: 'linux') {
ws(dir: {
sh &apos...