Writing effective user stories
In an Agile project team, the product owner is responsible for keeping a product backlog, but not necessarily for writing all user stories. Writing user stories should be a team effort. It is a collaboration between the product owner and developers. In this way, the creativity and knowledge of the whole team are involved in producing better user stories.
Tips on writing user stories
Before we write the user stories of the TaskAgile applications, let's go through some tips on how to write effective user stories:
- Tip 1: Write user stories in the following format if you can:
As a <type of user>,I want to <do something>,so that I <get some benefit>.
That is a user story that basically consists of who, what, and why. However, don't force your stories into this template if they do not fit. And you don't want to stick withI want to, you can choose other phrases, such asI can or I'd like to, as you see fit. For example, the following is a user story of...