Let's start by making three boxes on the page. For this, enter the following in the form:
Value 1: <asp: TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server">< /asp:TextBox><br />
This is where you're going to put the first value. Close this with a <br> tag, of course. Then, copy this and paste it beneath the preceding code line. Note that when you're pasting numbers, it automatically changes from TextBox1 to TextBox2. A nice little feature, right? Change this line to start with Value 2. Now paste it down below the preceding code line one more time and change this line to start with Value 3.
Next, drag a Button control below these lines so that somebody can click to summarize the values of the list. We'll define Summarize here as, for example, finding the maximum, minimum, average, sum, and so on...