As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
AccessKeyID 35
Amazon Machine Image (AMI) 4
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 3, 120
API Gateway 111, 165
assertion tests 92-94
automated testing 87
auto scaling group 44
AWS access key ID 11
AWS Account ID 90
AWS Budgets 152
AWS CDK 5-8, 165
Docker, used for creating containerized web application 15-19
inner workings 19, 20
AWS CDK assertions module
reference link 89
setting up 12, 13
AWS certification
reference link 166
AWS Chatbot Slack plugin 69
profile, setting up 8-12
setting up 8
AWS CloudFormation template 18
AWS CloudWatch 152
AWS console journey
completing 50-53
AWS Control Tower 158
AWS Cost Explorer 152
AWS Database Migration Service 53
AWS Fargate 106
AWS landing zone 158...