Testing In-Line Payloads
After mapping, cataloging, and generating our payloads to use for testing, we need to be able to execute them as a requirement through the CI/CD pipeline consistently, ideally, after our unit level testing and linting. In the previous lab, we got our first experience with integration level testing “in-line” as a step in our CI runner YAML where the job fails if no results were returned.
The advantages of requiring your integration tests within the pipeline provide a robust, and single requirement to commit and deploy a use case. However, there are some considerations to keep in mind when using in-line testing:
- Scalability: Integration tests are computationally expensive and take much longer than a unit level tests. Keeping these tests inline can clog runners available in the pipeline if there are unforeseen errors or hung jobs.
- Configuration: True integration testing relies partly on additional infrastructure maintained by the...