The game mechanics of selling
Of the many things game developers can take pleasure in, most certainly creating game mechanics and game algorithms has to be at the top of the list. There is no clearer way to distinguish your game or virtual world than from the game mechanics that drive it. As a game developer and designer, you have many options for defining game mechanics, be it creating powerful weapons or creatures, world physics, or even just selling cooking monsters. Generally though, it is best to keep things fairly simple, and we have stuck with this philosophy when building the selling game mechanic.
Instead of looking at the actual source code of the MonsterExchangeService
, which is the service that evaluates the player's monster inventory. We will look at some more basic pseudo code that will be easier to follow:
MonsterOffer PriceMonsters(PlaceResult result) { //get the players monsters from Inventory var monsters = InventoryService.ReadMonsters(); ...