Creating a code change in Bitbucket
At this point, we are ready to begin developing our story in Jira. Let’s say you’re on a Scrum team and the story was selected for the upcoming sprint or that capacity opened up on your Kanban team to move the story from the backlog. Regardless, it’s time to start development.
This recipe will have us move from Jira, where the story is planned and designed, to a Git-based tool, where we will create and store our implementation. This is where our continuous integration and continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline will start.
While the instructions here apply to Jira connected to a Bitbucket repository, this will work for any Git-based server tool, such as GitHub or GitLab, as we saw in Chapter 4.
Getting ready
One thing we need to make sure we have for this recipe is a Bitbucket workspace that’s been created with a Bitbucket repository. This process was explained in Chapter 5. There, we set up Bitbucket by performing...