Creating consistency when combining everything
As you've probably noticed, Quizmaker and Engage don't look anything like Presenter. Unfortunately, that makes it a bit tricky to brand your presentation when combining all three products in the Articulate suite. However, there are some things you can do to make it run a little smoother.
One of the signature styling elements of PowerPoint, which is used in Presenter, is the ability to have multicolored backgrounds and background images. While this can't be carried over into Quizmaker and Engage, the frames for slides created in these two products can be made transparent, allowing those backgrounds to show through. This provides some visual continuity between Presenter and the other Articulate products.
Getting ready
Since we're going to be working in all three Articulate products, we'll need them all open. You will also need presentations that are already prepared in all three.
How to do it…
We're going to start by working in Quizmaker; the procedure...