This topic will cover what parts you need in order to create a good home automation system. Obtaining software will be explained as the chapter progresses.
The materials needed are as follows:
- 1x Arduino UNO board or Arduino MEGA
- 1x USB cable A to B (also known as the printer cable)
- 1x CC3000 Wi-Fi shield
- 1x 5V relay (Arduino compatible)
- 1x Two-way switch replacement (for your switchboard)
- 1x Regular type screwdriver
- 1x Multimeter
- 1x 9VDC 2A 2.1mm power adapter
- 1x Wireless router (with accessible settings)
- 1x Smart phone
- 1x PC with a microphone
- 10x Connecting wires
- 1x 5V 4 Channel relay (optional: Arduino compatible)
- 4x Two-way switch replacement (depending on the number of relays)
The softwares required are as follows:
- Putty (terminal)
- .cmd (iOS)
- UDP TCP Server Free (Android)
- BitVoicer (speech recognition)
If you want to control your home with just your smart phone and not use the physical switches, then you do not require the 'two-way switch', but as you go through this chapter...