Veil-PowerTools are a group of PowerShell tools that have been collected together for an offensive approach to network security. One of the tools found within Veil-PowerTools is called Veil-PowerView. These tools are used by hackers to mine for data. Once on a network a hacker may use Veil-PowerView to see where shared user access is found. The attacker would then type PS C:\> Invoke-ShareFinder -Ping -CheckShareAccess -Verbose | Out-File -Encoding ascii found_shares.txt. This command queries Active Directory (AD) for all machine objects, pings each one to ensure the host is up before enumeration, checks each found share for read access, and outputs everything to found_shares.txt. The -Verbose flag gives some status output as it plows through all retrieved servers. This tool is often used to map out a network and locate where valuable data may be stored.
Another powerful tool found within Veil...