Master commonly asked JavaScript interview questions
Practice dozens of different challenges and build a 100-algorithm portfolio piece
Use JavaScript and TypeScript to solve challenging algorithms
Technical interviews are the filter between good and great developers. At least, that is how industry sees it. In this video course, you will increase your problem-solving ability and speed with 100 JavaScript algorithms and sample questions. These questions are some of the most common ones asked in interviews in companies such as Google, Facebook, Uber, and Amazon.
The course begins by giving you an overview of what exactly is the 100 algorithms challenge and prepares you to get started. Next, you will cover 100 algorithms—such as adding two numbers, checking palindrome numbers, missing letters, sum of odd Fibonacci numbers, unique digit products, and many more algorithms—that will cover the basics and advanced JavaScript methods. Finally, you will go through a series of sample interview questions that will help you face your technical telephonic interview with confidence.
By the end of this video course, you will become familiar with 100 algorithms and will have gained the skills needed to tackle tough JavaScript interview questions.
All the code files, resources, and supporting files for this course are available on GitHub at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/100-JavaScript-Algorithm-Challenges
If you are a Java or JavaScript developer, or a beginner, who wants to learn basic and advanced JavaScript methods to pass technical interviews, then this course is for you. A basic understanding of JavaScript is recommended before getting started with this course.
Get prepared for the technical interview
Find out how to code algorithms in JavaScript
Work on 100 JavaScript algorithms
Understand the basics of TypeScript
Become familiar with high-order functions in JavaScript
Distinguish between lexical scoping and block scoping