Yesterday, the Svelte community announced the stable release of Svelte 3. In this version, the team has worked towards moving reactivity into the language. Developers will now be able to write components in Svelte with significantly less boilerplate.
Svelte is a component framework, similar to JavaScript frameworks such as React and Vue, but comes with an important difference. In the case of traditional frameworks, the major part of the work happens in the browser. On the other hand, Svelte shifts this work into a compile step that happens at the time when your app is built. Instead of relying on techniques like virtual DOM diffing, with this framework, you can write code that surgically updates the DOM when the app state changes.
Rich Harris, the Svelte developer, says Svelte aims to be more like spreadsheets. “Spreadsheets are pretty cool and we should be more like them...Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the tools we use to build the web becomes as accessible as spreadsheets are? And, that is one of the Svelte’s overriding goals to make web development accessible...”
With the introduction of hooks to React, many other frameworks also started to experiment with their own implementation of hooks. However, Svelte realized that ‘hooks’ was not the “direction they wanted to go in.” Explaining the reason behind not implementing hooks, Harris said, “Hooks have some intriguing properties, but they also involve some unnatural code and create unnecessary work for the garbage collector. For a framework that's used in as well as animation-heavy interactives, that's no good.”
Because of these reasons, the team has reached the conclusion that Svelte does not require any API and has chosen to go with no API at all. “We can just use the language,” shared Harris. Not only just components, but the team has also given a completely new look and feel to Svelte in this release. They have also updated the logo, website, and also updated their tagline from 'The magical disappearing UI framework' to 'Cybernetically enhanced web apps'.
To know more detail, check out the official announcement by Svelte.
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