In this article by Simon Jackson, author of Mastering Unity 2D Game Development, we will have a walkthrough of the new 2D system and other new features. We will then understand some of the Unity components deeply. We will then dig into animation and its components.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Unity 4.3 was not just about the new 2D system; there are also a host of other improvements and features with this release.
The major highlights of Unity 4.3 are covered in the following sections.
Mecanim is a powerful tool for both 2D and 3D animations. In Unity 4.3, there have been many improvements and enhancements, including a new game object optimizer that ensures objects are more tightly bound to their skeletal systems and removes unnecessary transform holders. Thus making Mecanim animations lighter and smoother. Refer to the following screenshot:
In Unity 4.3, Mecanim also adds greater control to blend animations together, allowing the addition of curves to have smooth transitions, and now it also includes events that can be hooked into at every step.
Unity 4.2 introduced Windows Phone and Windows 8 support, since then things have been going wild, especially since Microsoft has thrown its support behind the movement and offered free licensing for the existing Pro owners. Refer to the following screenshot:
Unity 4.3 builds solidly on the v4 foundations by bringing additional platform support, and it closes some more gaps between the existing platforms. Some of the advantages are as follows:
The emulator is now fully supported with Windows Phone (new x86 phone build)
It has more orientation support, which allows even the splash screens to rotate properly and enabling pixel perfect display
It has trial application APIs for both Phone and Windows 8
It has improved sensors and location support
On top of this, with the recent release of Windows 8.1, Unity 4.3 now also supports Windows 8.1 fully; additionally, Unity 4.5.3 will introduce support Windows Phone 8.1 and universal projects.
If you have only been using the free version of Unity till now, you will not be aware of what a Nav Mesh agent is. Nav Meshes are invisible meshes that are created for your 3D environment at the build time to simplify path finding and navigation for movable entities. Refer to the following screenshot:
You can, of course, create the simplified models for your environment and use them in your scenes; however, every time you change your scene, you need to update your navigation model. Nav Meshes simply remove this overhead. Nav Meshes are crucial, especially in larger environments where collision and navigation calculations can make the difference between your game running well or not.
Unity 4.3 has improved this by allowing more runtime changes to the dynamic Nav Mesh, allowing you to destroy parts of your scene that alter the walkable parts of your terrain. Nav Mesh calculations are also now multithreaded to give even an even better speed boost to your game. Also, there have been many other under-the-hood fixes and tweaks.
The Unity editor received a host of updates in Unity 4.3 to improve the performance and usability of the editor, as you can see in the following demo screenshot. Granted most of the improvements are behind the scenes.
The improved Unity Editor GUI with huge improvements
The editor refactored a lot of the scripting features on the platform, primarily to reduce the code complexity required for a lot of scripting components, such as unifying parts of the API into single components. For example, the LookLikeControls and LookLikeInspector options have been unified into a single LookLike function, which allows easier creation of the editor GUI components. Further simplification of the programmable editor interface is an ongoing task and a lot of headway is being made in each release.
Additionally, the keyboard controls have been tweaked to ensure that the navigation works in a uniform way and the sliders/fields work more consistently.
Besides the editor features, one of the biggest enhancements has to be the upgrade of the MonoDevelop editor (, which Unity supports and is shipped with. This has been a long running complaint for most developers simply due to the brand new features in the later editions. Refer to the following screenshot:
MonoDevelop isn't made by Unity; it's an open source initiative run by Xamarin hosted on GitHub ( for all the willing developers to contribute and submit fixes to. Although the current stable release is 4.2.1, Unity is not fully up to date. Hopefully, this recent upgrade will mean that Unity can keep more in line with the future versions of this free tool.
Sadly, this doesn't mean that Unity has yet been upgraded from the modified V2 version of the Mono compiler ( it uses to the current V3 branch, most likely, due to the reduced platform and the later versions of the Mono support.
Movie textures is not exactly a new feature in Unity as it has been available for some time for platforms such as Android and iOS. However, in Unity 4.3, it was made available for both the new Windows 8 and Windows Phone platforms. This adds even more functionality to these platforms that were missing in the initial Unity 4.2 release where this feature was introduced. Refer to the following screenshot:
With movie textures now added to the platform, other streaming features are also available, for example, webcam (or a built-in camera in this case) and microphone support were also added.
Components in Unity are the building blocks of any game; almost everything you will use or apply will end up as a component on a GameObject inspector in a scene.
Until you build your project, Unity doesn't know which components will be in the final game when your code actually runs (there is some magic applied in the editor). So, these components are not actually attached to your GameObject inspector but rather linked to them.
Now, in the previous Unity example, we added some behind-the-scenes trickery to enable you to reference a component without first discovering it. We did this by adding shortcuts to the MonoBehavior class that the game object inherits from. You can access the components with the help of the following code:
this.renderer.collider.attachedRigidbody.angularDrag = 0.2f;
What Unity then does behind the scenes for you is that it converts the preceding code to the following code:
var renderer = this.GetComponent<Renderer>(); var collider = renderer.GetComponent<Collider>(); var ridgedBody = collider.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); ridgedBody.angularDrag = 0.2f;
The preceding code will also be the same as executing the following code:
GetComponent<Renderer>().GetComponent<Collider>().GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularDrag = 0.2f;
Now, while this is functional and working, it isn't very performant or even a best practice as it creates variables and destroys them each time you use them; it also calls GetComponent for each component every time you access them. Using GetComponent in the Start or Awake methods isn't too bad as they are only called once when the script is loaded; however, if you do this on every frame in the update method, or even worse, in FixedUpdate methods, the problem multiplies; not to say you can't, you just need to be aware of the potential cost of doing so.
Now, every programmer knows that they have to worry about garbage and exactly how much memory they should allocate to objects for the entire lifetime of the game.
To improve things based on the preceding shortcut code, we simply need to manually maintain the references to the components we want to change or affect on a particular object. So, instead of the preceding code, we could simply use the following code:
Rigidbody myScriptRigidBody; void Awake() { var renderer = this.GetComponent<Renderer>(); var collider = renderer.GetComponent<Collider>(); myScriptRigidBody = collider.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); } void Update() { myScriptRigidBody.angularDrag = 0.2f * Time.deltaTime; }
This way the RigidBody object that we want to affect can simply be discovered once (when the scripts awakes); then, we can just update the reference each time a value needs to be changed instead of discovering it every time.
Now, it has been pointed out (by those who like to test such things) that even the GetComponent call isn't as fast as it should be because it uses C# generics to determine what type of component you are asking for (it's a two-step process: first, you determine the type and then get the component).
However, there is another overload of the GetComponent function in which instead of using generics, you just need to supply the type (therefore removing the need to discover it). To do this, we will simply use the following code instead of the preceding GetComponent<>:
myScriptRigidBody =(Rigidbody2D)GetComponent(typeof(Rigidbody2D));
The code is slightly longer and arguably only gives you a marginal increase, but if you need to use every byte of the processing power, it is worth keeping in mind.
If you are using the "." shortcut to access components, I recommend that you change that practice now. In Unity 5, they are being removed. There will, however, be a tool built in the project's importer to upgrade any scripts you have using the shortcuts that are available for you. This is not a huge task, just something to be aware of; act now if you can!
All of the animation in the new 2D system in Unity uses the new Mecanim system (introduced in Version 4) for design and control, which once you get used to is very simple and easy to use.
It is broken up into three main parts: animation controllers, animation clips, and animator components.
Animation controllers are simply state machines that are used to control when an animation should be played and how often, including what conditions control the transition between each state. In the new 2D system, there must be at least one controller per animation for it to play, and controllers can contain many animations as you can see here with three states and transition lines between them:
Animation clips are the heart of the animation system and have come very far from their previous implementation in Unity. Clips were used just to hold the crafted animations of the 3D models with a limited ability to tweak them for use on a complete 3D model:
The new animation dope sheet system (as shown in the preceding screenshot) is very advanced; in fact, now it tracks almost every change in the inspector for sprites, allowing you to animate just about everything. You can even control which sprite from a spritesheet is used for each frame of the animation.
The preceding screenshot shows a three-frame sprite animation and a modified x position modifier for the middle image, giving a hopping effect to the sprite as it runs. This ability of the dope sheet system implies there is less burden on the shoulders of art designers to craft complex animations as the animation system itself can be used to produce a great effect.
Sprites don't have to be picked from the same spritesheet to be animated. They can come from individual textures or picked from any spritesheet you have imported.
To use the new animation prepared in a controller, you need to apply it to a game object in the scene. This is done through the Animator component, as shown here:
The only property we actually care about in 2D is the Controller property. This is where we attach the controller we just created.
Other properties only apply to the 3D humanoid models, so we can ignore them for 2D. For more information about the complete 3D Mecanim system, refer to the Unity Learn guide at
Animation is just one of the uses of the Mecanim system.
So, to start creating animations, you first need an animation controller in order to define your animation clips. As stated before, this is just a state machine that controls the execution of animations even if there is only one animation. In this case, the controller runs the selected animation for as long as it's told to.
If you are browsing around the components that can be added to the game object, you will come across the Animator component, which takes a single animation clip as a parameter. This is the legacy animation system for backward compatibility only. Any new animation clip created and set to this component will not work; it will simply generate a console log item stating The AnimationClip used by the Animation component must be marked as Legacy. So, in Unity 4.3 onwards, just avoid this.
Creating an animation controller is just as easy as any other game object. In the Project view, simply right-click on the view and select Create | Animator Controller.
Opening the new animation will show you the blank animator controller in the Mecanim state manager window, as shown in the following screenshot:
There is a lot of functionality in the Mecanim state engine, which is largely outside the scope of this article. Check out for more dedicated books on this, such as Unity 4 Character Animation with Mecanim, Jamie Dean, Packt Publishing.
If you have any existing clips, you can just drag them to the Mecanim controller's Edit window; alternatively, you can just select them in the Project view, right-click on them, and select From selected clip under Create. However, we will cover more of this later in practice.
Once you have a controller, you can add it to any game object in your project by clicking on Add Component in the inspector or by navigating to Component | Create and Miscellaneous | Animator and selecting it. Then, you can select your new controller as the Controller property of the animator. Alternatively, you can just drag your new controller to the game object you wish to add it to.
Clips in a controller are bound to the spritesheet texture of the object the controller is attached to. Changing or removing this texture will prevent the animation from being displayed correctly. However, it will appear as it's still running.
So with a controller in place, let's add some animation to it.
In this article, we did a detailed analysis of the new 2D features added in Unity 4.3. Then we overviewed all the main Unity components.
Further resources on this subject: