Time for action—testing our site in Opera Mini Simulator
Let's take a look at Opera Mini Simulator. To test our site in Opera Mini Simulator, perform the following steps:
1. To access Opera Mini Simulator, we will go to http://www.opera.com/developer/tools/mini.
2. We will type in the URL of our website in the simulator and click on Go.
3. The simulator displays our site as it looks on Opera Mini.
What just happened?
We accessed Opera Mini Simulator and tested it with the Carborelli's site. Let's see how the site looks, as shown in the following screenshot:
Opera Mini displays the content we need it to, although some of the styling isn't quite right. It doesn't render rounded corners, as they use CSS3 (which Opera Mini doesn't read), and it hasn't centered the text inside the buttons. We could use this information to make tweaks to our code or to decide what we can live with—we can certainly live without rounded corners in this case!
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