Chapter 9: PowerShell Fundamentals
Windows – it’s the operating system you love to hate. Or is it hate to love? Either way, it’s a divisive one among security professionals. Tell a total layperson to walk into a security conference and simply complain about Windows and he’s in like Flynn. No matter your position, one thing we can be sure of is its power. The landscape of assessing Windows environments changed dramatically in 2006 when PowerShell appeared on the scene. Suddenly, an individual Windows host had a sophisticated task automation and administration framework built right into it.
One of the important lessons of the post-exploitation activities in a penetration test is that we’re not always compromising a machine, nabbing the data out of it, and moving on; these days, even a low-value Windows foothold becomes an attack platform in its own right. One of the most dramatic ways to demonstrate this is by leveraging PowerShell from our foothold...