Next, we'll create another animation track in order to animate the nest so that it starts positioned in the grown tree and then drifts slowly to the ground, wafting like a falling leaf. We want it to exhibit a gentle rocking motion. This is a little more complicated than the simple two-keyframe animation we just did, so we'll do our work in a separate Animation Window instead of the narrow track band on Timeline Editor. It will animate from 0:35 to 0:45 seconds.
Animations are based on keyframes. To animate a property, you need to create a keyframe and define the property values for that frame in time. In the previous example, we had just two Keyframes, for the start and end Scale values. Unity fills in-between values with a nice curve. You can insert additional Keyframes and edit the curve's shape. We will use these for the wafting nest.
A wafting nest
We are going to make the nest fall gently from the tree. We...