As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
account hijacking 112
account suspension scam 58
Ace Ventura scam 45
advance-fee fraud 38
adware attack 98
preventing, considerations 99
AI-assisted social media manipulation attacks 140, 141
algorithmic exploitation 141
automated content generation 141
bot networks 141
influencer impersonation 141
micro-targeting 141
protecting against 142
AI-driven social engineering techniques 125
deepfake technology 125
natural language processing (NLP) 125
voice cloning 125
AI-enhanced social engineering attacks
protecting against 127, 128
strategies, for combating 125-130
AI-powered phishing attacks 137, 138
advanced social engineering 138
AI-enhanced impersonation 138
automated spear phishing 138
protecting against 139, 140