Time for action – downloading Squid
Now we are going to download Squid 3.1.10 from Squid's official website:
Let's go to the web page http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/.
Now we need to click on the link to Version 3.1, as shown in the following screenshot:
We'll be taken to a page displaying the various releases in version 3.1. The link with the display text tar.gz in the Download column is a link to the compressed source archive for Squid release 3.1.10, as shown in the following screenshot:
To download Squid 3.1.10 using the web browser, just click on the link.
Alternatively, we can use
to download the source archive from the command line as follows:wget http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.1/squid-3.1.10.tar.gz
What just happened?
We successfully retrieved Squid version 3.1.10 from Squid's official website. The process of retrieving other stable or beta versions is very similar.
Obtaining the latest source code from Bazaar VCS
Advanced users may be interested in getting the very latest source code from the Squid code repository, using Bazaar. We can safely skip this section if we are not familiar with VCS in general. Bazaar is a popular version control system used to track project history and facilitate collaboration. From version 3.x onwards, Squid source code has been migrated to Bazaar. Therefore, we should ensure that we have Bazaar installed on our system in order to checkout the source code from repository. To find out more about Bazaar or for Bazaar installation and configuration manuals, please visit Bazaar's official website at http://bazaar.canonical.com/.
Once we have setup Bazaar, we should head to the Squid code repository mirrored on Launchpad at https://code.launchpad.net/squid/. From here we can browse all the versions and branches of Squid. Let's get ourselves familiar with the page layout:

In the previous screenshot, Series: trunk represents the development branch, which contains code that is still in development and is not ready for production use. The branches with the status Mature are stable and can be used right away in production environments.