Discovering SQL-related cmdlets and modules
In order to be good at working with SQL Server and PowerShell, knowing how to explore and discover cmdlets, snapins, and modules is necessary.
Getting ready
Launch PowerShell ISE as administrator. If you prefer the console, you can also launch that instead, but ensure you are running it as administrator.
How to do it...
In this recipe, we will explore SQL-related cmdlets and modules:
- To find out how many SQL-related cmdlets are in your system, type the following in your PowerShell editor and run:
#how many commands from modules that #have SQL in the name (Get-Command -Module "*SQL*" –CommandType Cmdlet).Count
- To list the SQL-related cmdlets, type the following in your PowerShell editor and run:
#list all the SQL-related commands Get-Command -Module "*SQL*" –CommandType Cmdlet | Select-Object CommandType, Name, ModuleName | Sort-Object -Property ModuleName, CommandType, Name | Format-Table –AutoSize
- To see which of these modules are loaded in your PowerShell session, type the following in your editor and run:
Get-Module -Name "*SQL*"
If you have already used any of the cmdlets in the previous step, then you should see both
. Otherwise, you will need to load these modules before you can use them. - To explicitly load these modules, type the following and run:
Import-Module -Name "SQLPS"
Note that SQLASCMDLETS will be loaded when you load SQLPS.
How it works...
At the core of PowerShell, we have cmdlets. A cmdlet (pronounced commandlet) is defined in MSDN as lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment. It can be a compiled, reusable .NET code or an advanced function, or it can be a workflow that typically performs a very specific task. All cmdlets follow the verb-noun naming notation.
PowerShell ships with many cmdlets. In addition, many applications now also ship with their own cmdlets. For example, SharePoint has a fair number of PowerShell cmdlets that help with installation, configuration, and administration of the farm, sites, and everything in between. A list of cmdlets for SharePoint 2013 can be found at
A legacy way of extending PowerShell is by registering additional snapins. A Snapin is a binary, or a DLL, that can contain a cmdlet. You can create your own snapin by building your own .NET source, compiling, and registering the snapin. You will always need to register snapins before you can use them. Snapins are a popular way of extending PowerShell.
The following table summarizes common tasks with snapins:
Task |
Syntax |
List loaded Snapins |
List Installed Snapins |
Show commands in a Snapin |
Load a specific Snapin |
Since PowerShell v2, modules are introduced as the improved and preferred method of extending PowerShell. A module is a package that can contain cmdlets, providers, functions, variables, and aliases. In PowerShell v2, modules are not loaded by default, so required modules need to be explicitly imported.
Common tasks with modules are summarized in the following table:
Task |
Syntax |
List loaded Modules |
List Installed Modules |
Show commands in a Module |
Load a specific Module |
One of the improved features of PowerShell v3 onwards is support for autoloading modules. You do not need to always explicitly load modules before using the contained cmdlets. Using the cmdlets in your script is enough to trigger PowerShell to load the module that contains it.
SQL Server 2014 modules are located at PowerShell
| Modules
in the install directory.

There's more...
You can get a list of SQLPS and SQLASCMDLETS by running the following command:
Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet -Module SQLPS,SQLASCMDLETS| Select-Object Name, Module | Sort-Object Module, Name | Format-Table -AutoSize
Here's the list of cmdlets as of this version of SQL Server 2014:
CommandType Name ModuleName ----------- ---- ---------- Cmdlet Add-RoleMember SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Backup-ASDatabase SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Invoke-ASCmd SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Invoke-ProcessCube SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Invoke-ProcessDimension SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Invoke-ProcessPartition SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Merge-Partition SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet New-RestoreFolder SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet New-RestoreLocation SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Remove-RoleMember SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Restore-ASDatabase SQLASCMDLETS Cmdlet Add-SqlAvailabilityDatabase SQLPS Cmdlet Add-SqlAvailabilityGroupListenerStaticIp SQLPS Cmdlet Add-SqlFirewallRule SQLPS Cmdlet Backup-SqlDatabase SQLPS Cmdlet Convert-UrnToPath SQLPS Cmdlet Decode-SqlName SQLPS Cmdlet Disable-SqlAlwaysOn SQLPS Cmdlet Enable-SqlAlwaysOn SQLPS Cmdlet Encode-SqlName SQLPS Cmdlet Get-SqlCredential SQLPS Cmdlet Get-SqlDatabase SQLPS Cmdlet Get-SqlInstance SQLPS Cmdlet Get-SqlSmartAdmin SQLPS Cmdlet Invoke-PolicyEvaluation SQLPS Cmdlet Invoke-Sqlcmd SQLPS Cmdlet Join-SqlAvailabilityGroup SQLPS Cmdlet New-SqlAvailabilityGroup SQLPS Cmdlet New-SqlAvailabilityGroupListener SQLPS Cmdlet New-SqlAvailabilityReplica SQLPS Cmdlet New-SqlBackupEncryptionOption SQLPS Cmdlet New-SqlCredential SQLPS Cmdlet New-SqlHADREndpoint SQLPS Cmdlet Remove-SqlAvailabilityDatabase SQLPS Cmdlet Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup SQLPS Cmdlet Remove-SqlAvailabilityReplica SQLPS Cmdlet Remove-SqlCredential SQLPS Cmdlet Remove-SqlFirewallRule SQLPS Cmdlet Restore-SqlDatabase SQLPS Cmdlet Resume-SqlAvailabilityDatabase SQLPS Cmdlet Set-SqlAuthenticationMode SQLPS Cmdlet Set-SqlAvailabilityGroup SQLPS Cmdlet Set-SqlAvailabilityGroupListener SQLPS Cmdlet Set-SqlAvailabilityReplica SQLPS Cmdlet Set-SqlCredential SQLPS Cmdlet Set-SqlHADREndpoint SQLPS Cmdlet Set-SqlNetworkConfiguration SQLPS Cmdlet Set-SqlSmartAdmin SQLPS Cmdlet Start-SqlInstance SQLPS Cmdlet Stop-SqlInstance SQLPS Cmdlet Suspend-SqlAvailabilityDatabase SQLPS Cmdlet Switch-SqlAvailabilityGroup SQLPS Cmdlet Test-SqlAvailabilityGroup SQLPS Cmdlet Test-SqlAvailabilityReplica SQLPS Cmdlet Test-SqlDatabaseReplicaState SQLPS Cmdlet Test-SqlSmartAdmin SQLPS
To learn more about these cmdlets, use the Get-Help
cmdlet. For example, here's the command to learn more about Invoke-Sqlcmd
Get-Help Invoke-Sqlcmd Get-Help Invoke-Sqlcmd -Detailed Get-Help Invoke-Sqlcmd -Examples Get-Help Invoke-Sqlcmd -Full
You can also check out the MSDN article on SQL Server Database Engine Cmdlets at
When you load the SQLPS module, several assemblies are loaded into your host.
To get a list of SQLServer-related assemblies loaded with the SQLPS module, use the following script, which will work in both PowerShell v2 and v3:
Import-Module SQLPS –DisableNameChecking
[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() |
Where-Object {$_.FullName -match "SqlServer" } |
Select-Object FullName
If you want to run on v3 or newer versions, you can take advantage of the simplified syntax:
Import-Module SQLPS –DisableNameChecking [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object FullName -Match "SqlServer" | Select-Object FullName
This will show you all the loaded assemblies, including their public key tokens: