Now that we've covered the basics of DDD, let's take a look at something that can really help save the day, that is, structure. In any project, you'll find structure that is sometimes intentional and sometimes not all that intentional but is structure nevertheless. The concept of high cohesion is one that really makes a lot of sense when you start using it; keep things that are related to each other close in the same folder, except for when they are for totally different layers of your system. You don't keep the domain necessarily in the same folder as the HTML, but keep everything that is related to frontend for the particular feature in one and the same folder. This means that for the frontend, you would keep the HTML, JavaScript, CSS, string resources, any C# services used, all in the same folder and namespace. You don't permit any usage across siblings in the hierarchy. The only usage would be up the hierarchy.
The structure with bounded context at the top module and its specific...