- ActiveRecord Query Interface / Creating contests
- Apache Subversion (SVN) / Deploying to Heroku
- API credentials
- storing / Storing Shopify API credentials
- installing, from Shopify App Store / Installing from the Shopify App Store
- app
- building / Deciding which type of app to build, Getting ready to build an app
- requisites / High-level requirements
- application directory
- creating / Creating the application directory
- Aptana
- URL / Choosing a development tool
- backdoor
- about / Authorizing user access to data
- Bitbucket
- URL / Setting up source control
- Concurrent Versions System (CVS) / Deploying to Heroku
- constant
- about / Adding free and paid plans
- DashboardController class / Generating a Rails app
- development environment
- setting up / Setting up our development environment
- Ruby management tool, installing / Installing a Ruby management tool
- Ruby, installing / Installing Ruby
- application directory, creating / Creating the application directory
- development tool
- selecting / Choosing a development tool
- filter
- about / Authorizing user access to data
- free plan
- adding, to app / Adding free and paid plans
- Git
- URL / Setting up source control
- Heroku
- about / Deploying to Heroku
- using / Deploying to Heroku
- HTTP GET/POST requests
- verifying / Verifying HTTP GET/POST requests
- installation
- Ruby management tool / Installing a Ruby management tool
- RVM / Installing a Ruby management tool
- Ruby / Installing Ruby
- Rails / Installing Rails
- Twitter Bootstrap / Installing Twitter Bootstrap
- installation, required gems / Installing a few necessary gems
- JSON notification / Subscribing to and processing Shopify Webhooks
- listing
- publishing, in Shopify App Store / Publishing in the Shopify App Store
- multiple accounts
- supporting for / Supporting multiple accounts
- multitenant app
- requisites / High-level requirements
- Order Webhooks / Orders
- paid plan
- adding, to app / Adding free and paid plans
- Pik
- URL / Installing a Ruby management tool
- Platform as a Service (PaaS) / Deploying to Heroku
- private app / Deciding which type of app to build
- developing, workflow / Understanding our workflow
- building / Building the application
- requisites / High-level requirements
- Product Webhooks / Products
- public app / Deciding which type of app to build
- Rails
- about / Installing Rails
- app, generating / Generating a Rails app
- Rbenv
- URL / Installing a Ruby management tool
- required gems
- installing / Installing a few necessary gems
- requisites, app
- about / High-level requirements
- free plan, adding / Adding free and paid plans
- paid plan, adding / Adding free and paid plans
- integrating, with Shopify Billing API / Integrating with the Shopify Billing API
- listing, publishing in Shopify App Store / Publishing in the Shopify App Store
- requisites, multitenant app
- about / High-level requirements
- multiple accounts, supporting / Supporting multiple accounts
- user access, authorizing / Authorizing user access to data
- Shopify requests, verifying / Verifying Shopify requests
- API credentials, installing from Shopify App Store / Installing from the Shopify App Store
- Webhooks, subscribing to / Subscribing to and processing Shopify Webhooks
- Webhooks, processing / Subscribing to and processing Shopify Webhooks
- requisites, private app
- required gems, installing / Installing a few necessary gems
- gems, installing / Installing a few necessary gems
- API credentials, storing / Storing Shopify API credentials
- connecting, to Shopify / Connecting to Shopify
- product information, retrieving from Shopify / Retrieving product information from Shopify
- order information, retrieving from Shopify / Retrieving order information from Shopify
- UI, cleaning up / Cleaning up the UI
- winner, selecting / Picking a winner from a list
- contests, creating / Creating contests
- Rspec
- about / Installing a few necessary gems
- Ruby
- installing / Installing Ruby
- Ruby in Steel
- URL / Choosing a development tool
- Ruby management tool
- installing / Installing a Ruby management tool
- RubyMine
- URL / Choosing a development tool
- installing / Installing a Ruby management tool
- scaffold / Storing Shopify API credentials
- SHA256 algorithm
- about / Verifying webhook requests
- Shopify
- API / Discovering the API
- app, building / Getting ready to build an app
- signing up / Signing up for Shopify
- private app, developing / Understanding our workflow
- product information, retrieving from / Retrieving product information from Shopify
- order information, retrieving from / Retrieving order information from Shopify
- Shopify App Store
- API credentials, installing from / Installing from the Shopify App Store
- listing, publishing in / Publishing in the Shopify App Store
- Shopify Billing API
- app, integrating with / Integrating with the Shopify Billing API
- recurring charge, handling / Supporting recurring charges
- Shopify requests
- HTTP GET/POST requests, verifying / Verifying Shopify requests, Verifying HTTP GET/POST requests
- Webhooks requests, verifying / Verifying Shopify requests, Verifying webhook requests
- verifying / Verifying Shopify requests
- source control
- setting up / Setting up source control
- Source Control Management (SCM) / Setting up source control
- Sublime Text
- URL / Choosing a development tool
- TextMate
- URL / Choosing a development tool
- Twitter Bootstrap
- installing / Installing Twitter Bootstrap
- UI
- cleaning up / Cleaning up the UI
- sidebar, updating / Updating the sidebar
- orders, updating / Updating orders, products, and variants
- products, updating / Updating orders, products, and variants
- variants, updating / Updating orders, products, and variants
- merging, with master branch / Cleaning up the rest of the site
- Unfuddle
- URL / Setting up source control
- user access
- authorizing, to data / Authorizing user access to data
- Webhooks
- about / Revealing Shopify's power
- URL / Revealing Shopify's power
- Order Webhooks / Orders
- Product Webhooks / Products
- Shop / Shop/Application
- Application / Shop/Application
- processing / Subscribing to and processing Shopify Webhooks
- subscribing to / Subscribing to and processing Shopify Webhooks
- Webhooks requests
- verifying / Verifying webhook requests