Server-side optimization with Apache
Improving your website's speed is not only limited to reducing requests, managing images, or using fancy plugins to make your work easier. There are a lot of available options for improving website performance on your server.
Your best friend is an HTML boilerplate. If you haven't taken a look at this yet, you should make an effort to see how it does things.
Head over to to build your own custom boilerplate template. The responsive template is an old favorite of mine. If you find it easier to use bootstrap styling, you can opt for the bootstrap template.
Another widely popular solution is to make use of Yeoman. This is a tiny library that you can install on your computer and it download all kinds of boilerplate framework libraries. For more information on this, head over to
You will see there that it doesn't just include web scaffolding, there are even projects such as Ionic Framework for mobile development. It...