The best-practice enterprise architecture for Edge-native solutions
Let’s discuss some of the best practices for architecting Edge-native solutions.
Start with Cloud-native
At its core, Edge-native is Cloud-native. Edge-native embraces all the principles that have made constructing modern Cloud solutions successful.
First and foremost is the principle of microservices – that is, to build each service as a component running as a container. Services are loosely coupled, compact, and self-contained. They are idempotent, isomorphic, reentrant, and restartable.
In addition, microservices should be created using Agile development practices to enable them to evolve rapidly to changing requirements. DevSecNetOps practices should also be applied to ensure they are secure, interconnected through the enterprise network, can be deployed using A/B scoping techniques, and rolled back rapidly when necessary.
Note that none of this is new. So, if you’re already...