The Raspberry Pi is great for working with sensor systems and controlling actuators in both indoor and outdoor environments. The data can be gathered from local sensors attached to the Raspberry Pi, or sensors connected to a cloud computing environment. Adafruit IO is a system that makes data useful, and it provides useful features to work with your data, such as real-time graphs and sets of UI controls that can be used to either display data from a feed or produce data for a feed on a specific topic.
In this chapter, you will:
- Create feeds and a dashboard with Adafruit IO
- Connect the TMP102 temperature sensor with the Raspberry Pi through an I2C bus
- Get data from the temperature sensor through the I2C with the Pi4J library
- Work with the Eclipse Paho Java MQTT client library
- Publish data to the feed on a specific topic
- Display data on the Adafruit IO dashboard
- Subscribe to...