Creating a new OpenStack deployment
At this point, we are ready to create a new OpenStack deployment and provision the Controller, Neutron, and Compute nodes. We will create a new deployment, configure general deployment settings, create and assign subnets and service networks. Then, we will configure Neutron, Glance, and Cinder services. When the deployment configuration is ready, we will assign hosts for each OpenStack role and deploy the environment.
How to do it...
Proceed with the following steps:
- Create a new deployment by navigating in the upper menu to OpenStack Installer | New Deployment.
- Choose a new name for the deployment in the Name text and fill the description text.
- Select Controller/Compute layout in the High Availability section. If you would like to deploy highly available controllers layout, keep in mind that this layout requires at least three nodes for the Controller role.
- Choose RabbitMQ as the message provider. Staypuft can deploy RabbitMQ and QPID. Since RabbitMQ is more...