Shipping options
Shipping is a surprisingly wide and deep topic. When I opened my first e-commerce store, I was very surprised at the complexity involved in adding a shipping charge to an order. So here are a couple of ways you might be able to avoid any complexity-not to save us a few minutes or hours configuring your shipping options because if your specific business situation demands it, then that is what you obviously have to do. But if even we are baffled by the vast array of shipping configurations, then what will our customers think? Will it lose us some customers?
In the vast majority (but not all of my stores), I use one of the two following super-simple shipping configurations. If one of these work for you, then I recommend using it. If not, what follows from my super-simple shipping configurations are a summary of the PrestaShop shipping configuration options.
Super-simple shipping configuration options
Is it possible to build the cost of shipping within your product range specifically...