- absorption
- working / How absorption, reflectance, and transmittance work
- After Effects
- setting up / Setting up After Effects
- footage, importing into / Importing our footage
- lighting hotspots, working / Dealing with the lighting hotspots
- floor reflections, boosting / Boosting the floor reflections
- used, for final color corrections / Final color corrections
- ambience, interior nighttime scene
- adding / Adding some much-needed ambience
- adding, V-Ray Sky used / Using the V-Ray Sky
- adding, GI skylight used / The GI skylight
- adding, HDRI used / HDRI to the rescue
- ambient occlusion
- observing / Ambient occlusion
- about / Ambient occlusion
- Anisotropy option / Giving the doors an aluminum look
- aspect ratios
- about / Aspect ratios
- 1.333*1 (4*3) / Aspect ratios
- 1.500*1 (3*2) / Aspect ratios
- 1.777*1 (16*9) / Aspect ratios
- 1.85*1 & 2.35*1 / Aspect ratios
- classification / Aspect ratios
- choosing / Choosing our ratio, Beware of the difference between the viewport and render
- discrepancy, between viewport and render / Beware of the difference between the viewport and render
- Assign material to selection function / Boosting the floor reflections
- 32-bit Simple Choker effect / Boosting the floor reflections
- barriers
- chrome, adding to / Adding chrome to the barriers
- better sky
- creating / Creating a better sky
- bitmaps
- used, for wall paintings creating / Creating the wall paintings using bitmaps
- blank canvas, interior nighttime lighting scene
- starting with / Starting with a blank canvas
- initial exposure level, setting / Setting an initial exposure level
- Camera Lens Blur effect / Adding a subtle DOF to shift focus
- camera matched exterior
- observing / A camera-matched exterior
- ceiling material, V-Ray
- working with / Playing it safe with the ceiling
- bump effect, adding / Playing it safe with the ceiling
- chrome
- adding, to barriers / Adding chrome to the barriers
- close up shot
- using / The close up shot
- setting up / Scene two – close up
- color bleed
- about / The cause of color bleeding
- exercise one / Color bleed – exercise one
- controlling / Bringing color bleed under control
- Color corrections window / Previsualizing image corrections using V-Ray FrameBuffer
- color mapping choice
- making / Making a color-mapping choice
- color temperature
- using / Using color temperature
- exercise one / Color temperature – exercise one
- exercise two / Color temperature – exercise two
- composition
- affected, by focal length / How focal length affects composition
- compositional rules
- about / Good composition is the foundation of photographic rendering
- Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) / Using color temperature
- Create Layer option / Knowing your right-click menu commands
- Curves toggle button / Previsualizing image corrections using V-Ray FrameBuffer
- definition
- writing / Writing a definition
- painting / Painting a definition
- compiling / Compiling a definition
- creating, exercise / Artistic exercise
- for Gallery Interior / My definition for the gallery interior
- Depth of Field (DOF) effects / Using V-Ray's physical camera model
- Diffuse control / Using the V-Ray Standard material
- diffuse floor coloring
- creating, SketchUp material used / Using a SketchUp material to create our diffuse floor coloring, Creating the diffuse component for our floor
- Diffuse Reflection
- working / How absorption, reflectance, and transmittance work
- direct light only render / Tuning up the sunlight
- direct sunlight
- adding, to HDRI setup / Adding direct sunlight to an HDRI setup
- adding, to shift focus / Adding a subtle DOF to shift focus
- Dome light
- adding / Image-based lighting for exteriors
- HDRI, adding to / Adding the HDRI
- direct sunlight, adding to HDRI setup / Adding direct sunlight to an HDRI setup
- stronger occlusion shadows, creating / Creating even stronger occlusion shadows
- better sky, creating / Creating a better sky
- Dome light, interior daytime scene
- creating / Trying out the Dome light
- Dome Texture map button / Adding the HDRI
- Don't affect colors control
- enabling / Making a color-mapping choice
- door material, V-Ray
- frosted glass, applying to / Door materials – the frosted glass
- aluminum look, applying to / Giving the doors an aluminum look
- Effect Controls panel / Dealing with the lighting hotspots, Boosting the floor reflections
- Effects & Presets panel / Dealing with the lighting hotspots
- Emissive control / Using the V-Ray Standard material
- energy conserving materials
- importance / The importance of energy-conserving materials
- exposure settings
- tweaking / Tweaking exposure
- white balance / Experimenting with white balancing
- exteriors
- image-based lighting / Image-based lighting for exteriors
- Field Of View (FOV) / How focal length affects composition
- Fill light, interior daytime scene
- Skylight / Skylight is our fill light
- final color corrections
- adding, After Effects used / Final color corrections
- final renders
- outputting / Outputting the final renders
- final renders, outputting
- extra VFB channels, adding / Adding extra VFB channels
- output format, setting / Setting the output format
- final shot, rendering
- scene views, setting up for / Setting up scene views for final shot rendering, First up – the wide shot, Exercise – review, Scene two – close up, Exercise – finishing off the scene
- floor mask
- creating / Boosting the floor reflections
- floor material
- creating / Creating the floor material
- reflections, adding to / Adding reflections to our floor material
- floor reflections
- boosting / Boosting the floor reflections
- focal length
- choosing / How focal length affects composition
- footage
- importing, into After Effects / Importing our footage
- GI (skylight) map button / The GI skylight, HDRI to the rescue
- GI render
- reviewing / Reviewing our GI render
- GI skylight
- used, for adding ambience to interior nighttime scene / The GI skylight
- about / The GI skylight
- GI skylight, interior daytime scene
- using / Using the GI skylight
- GI solution
- cleaning up / Cleaning up our GI solution
- GI render, reviewing / Reviewing our GI render
- glass reflections
- boosting / Boosting the glass reflections a little
- Global Illumination (GI) renders / Global illumination controls
- Global Illumination (GI) tools / My definition for interior nighttime scene lighting
- global illumination controls
- about / Global illumination controls
- glossiness controls
- working / How glossiness controls work
- purpose / How glossiness controls work
- goals, interior daytime scene lighting
- defining / Defining our goals
- vision, defining methods / Methods for defining our vision, Painting a definition, Compiling a definition, My definition for the gallery interior
- goals, interior nighttime scene
- defining / Defining our goals
- goals, light behaviour
- defining / Defining our goals
- goals, material creation
- defining / Defining our goals
- goals, materials
- defining / Defining our goals
- goals, post-production
- defining / Defining our goals
- goals, quality control
- defining / Defining our goals
- HDR Highlight Compression effect / Dealing with the lighting hotspots
- about / HDRI to the rescue, Image-based lighting for exteriors
- used, for adding ambience to interior nighttime scene / HDRI to the rescue
- adding, to Dome light / Adding the HDRI
- HDRI, interior daytime scene
- adding / Adding a High Dynamic Range Image to the mix
- adding, to dome light / Adding a High Dynamic Range Image to the mix
- high shot
- using / The high shot
- HSV color model
- versus, RGB system / Why are we using the HSV color model?
- realistic color values importance / The importance of realistic color values
- about / Understanding the IES files
- IES down lighters
- adding, to interior nighttime scene / Adding the IES down lighters
- IES Light button / Creating the IES up lighters
- IES lights
- layering up / Layering up our IES lights
- IES profiles
- downloading / Downloading and viewing IES profiles
- viewing / Downloading and viewing IES profiles
- IES Uplighters
- creating / Creating the IES up lighters
- image corrections
- pre-visualizing, V-Ray FrameBuffer used / Previsualizing image corrections using V-Ray FrameBuffer
- Image sampler controls
- working with / Working with the Image sampler controls
- image sampling render, reviewing / Reviewing the image sampling render
- image sampling render
- reviewing / Reviewing the image sampling render
- Indirect illumination rollout / Reviewing our GI render
- initial exposure level
- setting / Setting a starting exposure level
- interference pattern
- about / Learning about light – exercise two
- interior daytime scene
- about / Looking at our SketchUp scene
- lighting, workflow / The lighting workflow
- key light (Sunlight) / Sunlight is our key light, SketchUp shadow settings – positioning the V-Ray Sun, Using a V-Ray spotlight as the key light
- Fill light (Skylight) / Skylight is our fill light, Using Rectangle lights, Testing our shot views, The evaluation time, Using the GI skylight, Trying out the Dome light, Adding a High Dynamic Range Image to the mix, Bringing the sky back into the view, Wrap up
- interior nighttime scene
- lighting setup, creating / Taking a look at our SketchUp file
- goals, defining / Defining our goals
- observation / Observation is crucial
- lighting / My definition for interior nighttime scene lighting
- lighting process / The lighting process, Do we have a key light?, Understanding the IES files, Downloading and viewing IES profiles
- ambience, adding to / Adding some much-needed ambience
- IES lights, placing in / Layering up our IES lights
- IES down lighters, adding / Adding the IES down lighters
- IES Uplighters, creating / Creating the IES up lighters
- Interpret Footage dialog box / Importing our footage
- about / Adding reflections to our floor material
- IOR values
- about / Making use of IOR values
- Kelvin color temperature scale
- about / Using color temperature
- key light, interior daytime scene
- Sunlight / Sunlight is our key light
- V-Ray Sun, positioning / SketchUp shadow settings – positioning the V-Ray Sun
- V-Ray spotlight, using as / Using a V-Ray spotlight as the key light
- Lambertian model
- about / Light and material interaction – what is reflectivity?
- Lambertian reflectance
- about / Light and material interaction – what is reflectivity?
- light
- interacting, with material / Light and material interaction – why objects in the real world have color
- absorption / How absorption, reflectance, and transmittance work
- reflection / How absorption, reflectance, and transmittance work
- transmittance / How absorption, reflectance, and transmittance work
- light, and material interaction
- light behaviour / Light is where it all starts
- reflectivity / Light and material interaction – what is reflectivity?
- glossiness, working / How glossiness controls work
- transmittance effects / Light and material interaction – the transmittance effects, Understanding refraction, Making use of IOR values, A bit more on Fresnel equations, Understanding translucency, How subsurface scattering is different
- light behaviour
- about / How light behaves
- exercise one / Learning about light – exercise one
- exercise two / Learning about light – exercise two
- light decay
- understanding / Understanding light decay
- exercise one / Light decay – exercise one
- exercise two / Light decay – exercise two
- exercise three / Light decay – exercise three
- types / Decay types available in V-Ray for SketchUp, The None and Linear decay options, Understanding Inverse decay, The Inverse Square decay
- light decay types
- in SketchUp V-Ray / Decay types available in V-Ray for SketchUp
- light decay types, SketchUp V-Ray
- None decay options / The None and Linear decay options
- Linear decay options / The None and Linear decay options
- Inverse decay / Understanding Inverse decay
- Inverse Square decay / The Inverse Square decay
- lighting hotspots
- dealing with / Dealing with the lighting hotspots
- lighting process
- lighting tools / The lighting process
- initial exposure level, setting / Setting a starting exposure level
- lighting process, interior nighttime scene
- artistic versus realistic approach / Contrasting artistic and realistic indoor lighting
- key light / Do we have a key light?
- IES files / Understanding the IES files, Downloading and viewing IES profiles
- light sources
- values / Using color temperature
- low shot
- using / The low shot
- material
- interacting, with light / Light and material interaction – why objects in the real world have color
- energy conserving materials / The importance of energy-conserving materials
- materials
- defining / Defining the materials
- improving / Improving our materials
- materials, RGB map
- reviewing / Reviewing what we have in the RGB map
- materials, Sample Rate map
- reviewing / Reviewing what we have in the Sample Rate map
- materials, V-Ray
- creating / Materials that make us believe!
- floor material, creating / Creating the floor material
- surface properties, adding / Adding surface properties
- super bright whites / Final setting tweaks!
- final lighting tweaks / Final setting tweaks!
- Materials List section / Materials that make us believe!
- Materials_Final.exr footage / Importing our footage
- maximum output resolution
- deciding / The requisite maximum resolution
- medium shot
- using / The medium shot
- methods, vision defining
- definition, writing / Writing a definition
- definition, painting / Painting a definition
- definition, compiling / Compiling a definition
- artistic exercise / Artistic exercise
- Gallery Interior definition / My definition for the gallery interior
- observation
- about / Reference and observation
- sunlight color / The sunlight color
- skylight color / The skylight color
- shadows / Shadow properties
- ambient occlusion / Ambient occlusion
- camera matched exterior / A camera-matched exterior
- observation, interior nighttime scene
- about / Observation is crucial
- occlusion shadows
- about / Ambient occlusion
- opening scene
- improving / Improving our opening scene
- views, used for render creating / Working with six new views
- viewport and render aspect ratios, matching / Matching viewport and render aspect ratios
- lighting / Lighting that sets the mood!
- render process / Stepping through the render process
- V-Rays physical camera model, using / Using V-Ray's physical camera model
- global illumination controls / Global illumination controls
- Output File browse button / Boosting the floor reflections
- output format
- setting / Setting the output format
- Ozone control
- using / The sunlight color
- Pack Material function / Art sculpts – import vismat
- physical camera model, V-Ray
- used, for rendering / Using V-Ray's physical camera model
- Point Of View (POV) shot
- using / The low shot
- Points Of View (POV) / Improving our opening scene
- post-production applications
- using / Setting up After Effects
- After Effects / Setting up After Effects
- Post Processing section / Bringing color bleed under control
- POV Shot - Empty Room scene tab / SketchUp shadow settings – positioning the V-Ray Sun
- quality control
- materials, improving / Improving our materials
- quality control steps
- order, determining / Determining the order of quality control steps
- Rectangle light button / Using Rectangle lights
- Rectangle lights, interior daytime scene
- using / Using Rectangle lights
- Red Channel option / Boosting the floor reflections
- reference
- gathering / Reference and observation, The sunlight color, The skylight color, Shadow properties, Ambient occlusion, A camera-matched exterior
- Reflection control / Using the V-Ray Standard material
- reflection layer
- toggling / Boosting the floor reflections
- reflections
- adding, to floor material / Adding reflections to our floor material
- Reflections Adjustment pre-comp / Adding a subtle DOF to shift focus
- reflectivity
- about / Light and material interaction – what is reflectivity?
- Lambertian model / Light and material interaction – what is reflectivity?
- Lambertian reflectance / Light and material interaction – what is reflectivity?
- blurry reflections / Light and material interaction – what is reflectivity?
- mirror reflections / Light and material interaction – what is reflectivity?
- refraction
- about / Understanding refraction
- IOR values, using / Making use of IOR values
- Fresnel equations / A bit more on Fresnel equations
- render
- creating, views used for / Working with six new views
- final output settings / Render settings for final output
- evaluating, with IES lights enabled / Evaluating the render with all lights enabled
- render aspect ratios
- matching, with viewport aspect ratios / Matching viewport and render aspect ratios
- Render button / Creating the IES up lighters
- render history feature, V-Ray frame buffer
- using / The evaluation time
- Render History window / Testing our shot views, Adding direct sunlight to an HDRI setup
- render process
- about / Stepping through the render process
- Render Queue panel / Adding a subtle vignette effect
- RGB system
- importance / The importance of R, G, and B in the digital realm
- working / The importance of R, G, and B in the digital realm
- versus, HSV color model / Why are we using the HSV color model?
- right-click menu commands
- using / Knowing your right-click menu commands
- scene, finishing off
- high shot, creating / Exercise – finishing off the scene
- low shot, creating / Exercise – finishing off the scene
- scene lighting
- fine-tuning / Fine-tuning scene lighting
- sunlight, tuning up / Tuning up the sunlight, Reviewing our sunlight render
- skylight, adjusting / Adjusting the skylight, Reviewing our skylight render
- scene views
- setting, for final shot rendering / Setting up scene views for final shot rendering, First up – the wide shot, Exercise – review, Scene two – close up, Exercise – finishing off the scene
- scene views, setting
- wide shot / First up – the wide shot, Exercise – review
- close up shot, creating / Scene two – close up
- scene, finishing off / Exercise – finishing off the scene
- Sculpts material / Art sculpts – import vismat
- Select None command / Door materials – the frosted glass
- shadow edges
- altering / Adding direct sunlight to an HDRI setup
- shadow quality / The shadow quality
- shadows
- using / Shadow properties
- properties / Shadow properties
- shot type
- deciding / Deciding the shot type
- long or wide shot / The long or wide shot
- medium shot / The medium shot
- close up shot / The close up shot
- high shot / The high shot
- low shot / The low shot
- POV shot / The low shot
- shot views
- testing / Testing our shot views
- SketchUp file
- setting up / Setting up our SketchUp file
- SketchUp files
- about / The SketchUp files
- SketchUp material
- used, for diffuse floor coloring creation / Using a SketchUp material to create our diffuse floor coloring
- using, with V-Ray / Using SketchUp materials with V-Ray
- SketchUp material, used with V-Ray
- diffuse floor component, creating / Creating the diffuse component for our floor
- color mapping choice, making / Making a color-mapping choice
- SketchUp scene
- interior daytime scene / Looking at our SketchUp scene
- SketchUp shadow settings
- V-Ray Sun, positioning / SketchUp shadow settings – positioning the V-Ray Sun
- SketchUp tools / Improving our opening scene
- skirting board
- painting / Painting the skirting board
- skylight
- working with / Filling in with skylight
- V-Ray Sky, using / Using the V-Ray Sky
- exterior image-based lighting / Image-based lighting for exteriors
- adjusting / Adjusting the skylight
- Skylight, interior daytime scene
- creating / Skylight is our fill light
- Rectangle lights, using / Using Rectangle lights
- shot views, testing / Testing our shot views
- evaluation time / The evaluation time
- GI skylight, using / Using the GI skylight
- Dome light, creating / Trying out the Dome light
- HDRI, adding / Adding a High Dynamic Range Image to the mix
- sky, bringing into view / Bringing the sky back into the view
- skylight color
- observing / The skylight color
- skylight render
- reviewing / Reviewing our skylight render
- spectral model
- about / The importance of R, G, and B in the digital realm
- Srgb button
- enabling / Making a color-mapping choice
- sRGB Working Space option / Setting up After Effects
- versus, translucency / How subsurface scattering is different
- about / How subsurface scattering is different
- stronger occlusion shadows
- creating / Creating even stronger occlusion shadows
- subtle relighting
- adding, to scene / Adding subtle relighting
- sunlight
- rendering / Sunlight is the key
- coloration, examining / The sunlight color
- shadow quality / The shadow quality
- sunlight color
- observing / The sunlight color
- sunlight render
- tuning up / Tuning up the sunlight
- reviewing / Reviewing our sunlight render
- surface properties
- adding / Adding surface properties
- TexFresnel map / Adding reflections to our floor material
- Transform controls / Boosting the floor reflections
- translucency
- about / Understanding translucency
- versus, SSS / How subsurface scattering is different
- Transmittance
- working / How absorption, reflectance, and transmittance work
- transmittance effects
- refraction / Understanding refraction, Making use of IOR values, A bit more on Fresnel equations
- translucency / Understanding translucency, How subsurface scattering is different
- Turbidity control
- using / The sunlight color
- V-Ray
- SketchUp materials, using with / Using SketchUp materials with V-Ray
- V-Ray FrameBuffer
- used, for image corrections pre-visualizing / Previsualizing image corrections using V-Ray FrameBuffer
- V-Ray frame buffer window / The evaluation time, Adding reflections to our floor material
- V-Ray IES Down Light component / Adding the IES down lighters
- V-Ray Sky
- used, for adding ambience to interior nighttime scene / Using the V-Ray Sky
- using / Using the V-Ray Sky
- V-Ray spotlight
- using, as key light (interior daytime scene) / Using a V-Ray spotlight as the key light
- V-Ray Standard material
- working / Using the V-Ray Standard material
- using / Using the V-Ray Standard material
- right-click menu commands / Knowing your right-click menu commands
- reflections, adding to floor material / Adding reflections to our floor material
- walls, painting / Painting the walls
- ceiling material, working with / Playing it safe with the ceiling
- frosted glass, applying to doors / Door materials – the frosted glass
- aluminum look, creating for doors / Giving the doors an aluminum look
- chrome, adding to barriers / Adding chrome to the barriers
- skirting board, painting / Painting the skirting board
- V-Ray texture editor window / Adding reflections to our floor material
- VFB channels, extra
- adding / Adding extra VFB channels
- viewport aspect ratios
- matching, with render aspect ratios / Matching viewport and render aspect ratios
- views
- used, for render creating / Working with six new views
- vignette effect
- adding / Adding a subtle vignette effect
- visible light spectrum
- about / Learning about light – exercise two
- vision
- defining, methods / Methods for defining our vision, Painting a definition, Artistic exercise, My definition for the gallery interior
- vismat material
- importing / Art sculpts – import vismat
- about / Using the V-Ray Standard material
- VRayBRDF layer
- used, for painting walls / Painting the walls
- used, for adding reflectivity to walls / Painting the walls
- wall paintings
- creating, bitmaps used / Creating the wall paintings using bitmaps
- walls material, V-Ray
- painting / Painting the walls
- white balance
- experimenting with / Experimenting with white balancing
- wide shot
- using / The long or wide shot
- setting up / First up – the wide shot, Exercise – review