Using WS-Reliable Messaging (WS-RM) with WS transport
In this recipe, we will create a one-way (fire and forget) proxy service that contains a long running WS-RM (Reliable Messagng) policy and test this WS-RM policy in a JDeveloper web service proxy client.
We will use the WS transport, which implements both inbound and outbound requests for SOAP-based services with a WS-RM policy.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we will use a setup with a very simple proxy service based on a WSDL containing only a one-way operation. For the WS-RM client we will use JDeveloper.
You can import the OSB project into Eclipse from \chapter-10\getting-ready\using-reliable-msg-with-ws-transport
How to do it...
First, let's change the proxy service to use the WS transport and add the reliable messaging policy. In Eclipse OEPE, perform the following steps:
Open the Provider proxy service and navigate to the Transport tab.
Select ws in the Protocol field to specify the WS transport.
Navigate to the Policy tab.
Select the...