Time for action – adding a welcome message
Making sure you've got editing turned on, scroll down the course main page and look for the Add a block block, usually under the last block on the right-hand side of the page:
Click on Add... and select HTML from the list. Moodle will add a new HTML block to the page:
To configure the new HTML block, click on the configuration icon:
And you're taken to the Configuring a (new HTML block) block page. Give your new block a title and then add in your content. When you're done, press the Save changes button, Here's my new welcome message (including an animated GIF):
But a welcome message is no good hiding down in the bottom right-hand corner of my course main page. Click on the configuration icon once more and scroll down to the On this page section. To position the welcome message at the top-left of the page I need to specify the region to be on the left and a weight of -10 (that is, as light as a feather, rather than the elephantine +10):
I can now get...