The LXC Container menu
This menu is specific to only KVM-based virtual machines. The menu tab is visible when a LXC container is selected from the left navigation pane.
The LXC Container | Summary
Identical to the Summary menu under KVM VM, this also shows the stats, notes, and usage graph of a LXC container. The following screenshot shows the Summary page of a demo LXC Container:

LXC Container | Resources
Additional resources for LXC containers are adjusted here after a container is created. Changes in the resources get applied to a container in real time. We will look into container resource management in Chapter 6, LXC Containers. The following screenshot shows the resources currently allocated for our example container:

LXC Container | Network
The Network menu for a container shows the currently assigned network interface. We can also make changes to any existing interface. Changes are applied in real time. The following screenshot shows the network menu for our example container: