NFR - Sizing
Software Non-functional Assessment Process (SNAP), a measurement of non-functional software size. SNAP point sizing is a complement to a function point sizing, which measures functional software size. It is a product of the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), and is sized using the SNAP manual.
The overall size of software consists of separate components, functional and non-functional, for example, 400 function points and 200 SNAP points. The two sizes do not sum up to one single size. The IFPUG functional sizing methodology does not change when measuring the non-functional requirements using SNAP. Non-functional sizing requires recognition of similar artifacts of software used to measure functional size, for example, data element types (DETs) and file types referenced (FTRs).
Separating functional and non-functional requirements is important when performing a cost forecast (or other forecast, such as scheduling or staffing) for software development. In principle...