In this section, you will recreate (part of) the theme you applied to the takeTheTrain.cptx file at the beginning of this book. While doing so, keep in mind that creating a theme should come much earlier in the production process of your Captivate courses. As a matter of fact, it should probably be one of the first things you do when starting a new project. In this book, it comes after you have sufficient knowledge of the basic objects and concepts of Captivate for pedagogical purposes only.
To create a custom theme, you must first apply one of the predefined Themes of Captivate to a new project. You must then modify the Master Slides and the Styles of this theme to slowly build your own theme:
- Close every open file in Captivate.
- Use the File | New Project | Blank Project menu item to create a new blank project.
- In the New Blank Project dialog, use the Select drop-down menu to choose a size of 1024 x 627 for the project. When you are done, click the OK button...