Creating a robot configuration
To launch the entire robot, we are going to create a launch file with all the necessary files to activate all the systems. Anyway, here you have a launch file for a real robot that you can use as a template. The following script is present in configuration_template.launch
<launch> <node pkg="sensor_node_pkg" type="sensor_node_type" name="sensor_node_name" output="screen"> <param name="sensor_param" value="param_value" /> </node> <node pkg="odom_node_pkg" type="odom_node_type" name="odom_node" output="screen"> <param name="odom_param" value="param_value" /> </node> <node pkg="transform_configuration_pkg" type="transform_configuration_type" name="transform_configuration_name" output="screen"> <param name="transform_configuration_param" value="param_value" /> </node> </launch>
This launch file will launch three nodes that will start up the robot.
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