Installing and running Node.js
To install Node.js, visit, and download and run the installer package for the currently recommended version. The examples in this book are based on Node.js v6, released in April 2016 and supported through to April 2018.
After installation, open up a console window (run command prompt on Windows, or terminal on Mac) and type node
This opens the Node.js REPL, which works like the JavaScript console in browsers. Try typing in a few commands and see the output:
> function square(x) { return x*x; } undefined > square(42) 1764 > new Date() 2016-05-02T16:08:41.915Z > var foo = { bar: 'baz' } undefined > typeof foo 'object' > 'baz'
Now let's make use of one of the Node.js-specific APIs to create an HTTP server. Type the following commands into the REPL (the output of each command is omitted from the listing below for brevity):
> var listener = function(request, response) { response.end...