Examples of the human touch done well
Before diving into specific Storyline features, let's examine examples of e-learning that have a human touch and discover why this works so well for almost any subject matter. Each example mentioned here is accompanied by a URL; take a moment to review each example before continuing with this chapter:
- Connect with Haji Kamal by Cathy Moore: A lieutenant needs to make a good impression on a tribal leader in Afghanistan and you can help him (http://blog.cathy-moore.com/2010/05/elearning-example-branching-scenario/)
- Mi Vida Loca by BBC: Learn Spanish while a mystery unfolds (http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/mividaloca/)
- Mouse Party by University of Utah: Learn how drugs alter the brains of mice (http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/drugs/mouse.html)
- Homestand by Roanoke Time: A look behind the scenes at a baseball game (http://www.roanoke.com/sports/homestand/multimedia/interactive.html)
- Noble Prize winner Blood typing game. Figure out...