Creating and editing features
In this chapter, we will work with three primary features' geometries: point, line, and polygon. A point feature is defined by a single pair of x, y coordinates. Line and polygon features are defined by vertices and segments.
The vertices represent ordered x, y coordinate pairs that form the feature's shape. The coordinates of a vertex can also include M (measure) and Z (elevation) values.
A segment connects only two vertices. A line with two or more segments is called a polyline. ArcGIS treats lines and polylines as basically the same Line feature
feature type, and they can be stored in the same feature class.
In ArcGIS, the lines and polygon feature classes can store single or multipart features. A multipart feature is composed of two or more disconnected shapes that have only one record in the feature class attribute table. A simple point feature class cannot store multipart features, but a multipoint feature class can store multipoint features...