You'll need to set up your environment so that Cassandra knows where to find the latest version of Java. To do this, set up your JAVA_HOME environment variable to the install location, and your PATH to include the executable in your new Java installation, as follows:
$ export JAVA_HOME=" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_65.jdk/Contents/Home"
$ export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin":$PATH
You should put these two lines at the bottom of your .bashrc or .bash_profile file to ensure that things still work when you open a new terminal.
The installation instructions given earlier assume that you're using the latest version of Mac OS X (at the time of writing this, 10.11.6 El Capitan). If you're running a different version of OS X, installing Java might require different steps. Check out for detailed installation information.
Once you've got the right version of Java, you're ready to install Cassandra. It's very easy to install Cassandra using Homebrew; simply type the following:
$ brew install cassandra
$ pip install cassandra-driver cql
$ cassandra
Here's what we just did:
- Installed Cassandra using the Homebrew package manager
- Installed the CQL shell and its dependency, the Python Cassandra driver
- Started the Cassandra server