Introducing the stat visualization
After the time series visualization, the stat visualization may well be the next most used panel for several reasons:
- It makes it extremely easy to see the value at a distance
- It boils down a large dataset into a single value
- It can feature several visually important cues
Creating a stat visualization panel
Let’s get started with a simple panel using the stat visualization:
- From a new or existing dashboard, create a new panel with the following query:
SELECT "value" FROM "temperature" WHERE ("station"::tag = 'KSFO') AND $timeFilter
- Set Format to Time series.
- Now, go to the Panel options tab and select the Stat visualization. Next, we’ll format the panel to represent the current temperature.
Here’s a look at the results of our query so far:
Figure 7.7 – Stat visualization query
- In the Value options section...