A story in a video game can be on different scales; if the product is simple, it features a small-scale plot, while more complex games may have huge screenplays that might even be the envy of Hollywood. But irrespective of its size, the plot should be solid and well thought out, a narrative should create a connection between the game world and the audience. The game is not just a calculator; it is about experience.
Graphics is part of the narrative as well. First of all, there should a visual idea that unites all fragments of the screen. Assets can be simple and not realistic but must have some structural rules. This makes a picture alive and interesting to follow. When working with graphics, there is a need to operate various types of textures collected into sheets with some resource. There can be some issues with alpha channel, compression quality, or memory management, but they can be prevented or resolved by proper planning. Any game needs some promotion to become popular. At a basic level, this means the presence of an attractive and demonstrative application icon, a catchy name, trailers, and a social media account.
Usability issues are important not only for traditional office software, but games as well. In the next chapter, you will learn how to plan a game comfortable for players. Especially if you care about players with special needs.