SpriteKit is a graphics rendering and animation framework with features for animating arbitrary textured images called Sprites. It has a rendering loop that renders the contents of the frame. As a process, the content of each frame (that is, input) is given, processed, and then finally rendered by the rendering loop.
Basically, your game identifies the content of the frame and how the content has to be changed in that frame.
Being a new player in the game industry, SpriteKit is doing really well as it has adopted the basics of cocos2d, which is a heavily used game engine for 2D games. It's really well written, documented, and deeply integrated with iOS. However, if you are new to the game development domain, even then this book will serve you as a starter development guide. Each chapter is baked with a recipe to make sure that you learn all the concepts of game development.
Now here are the two most basic concepts: scenes and sprites. iOS games are made up of scenes and...