Using DB2 Discovery
DB2 Discovery is very useful in large networks where you don't know all the characteristics of the database servers such as the listening port numbers, the operating system, or other information used at cataloging.
Getting ready
In the following recipe, we'll discuss the discovery process and its related parameters at instance and database-level. We'll discover and catalog db2inst3
and the sample database created in the previous recipes at DB2 client instance.
How to do it...
, start Control Center. Catalog the admin node by right-clicking on All systems and selecting Add:Discover the instances on
using Configuration Center | All Systems | NODEDB21 | Instance | Add:In the instances discovered on
, choosedb2inst3
:The Add Instance window is auto completed, the only one box that needs completion is instance node name. Name it NODE21:
Next, discover the Sample database under instance
:After short time database Sample is discovered.
The window...