Approximating a quadratic regression
Given a collection of points, this recipe will try to find a best fit quadratic equation. In the following figure, the curve is a best fit quadratic regression of the points:

Getting ready
Install the dsp
package to use Matrix.LU
as follows:
$ cabal install dsp
In order to perform a quadratic regression, we will use the least square polynomial fitting algorithm described in Wolfram MathWorld available at
How to do it…
Import the following packages:
import Data.Array (listArray, elems) import Matrix.LU (solve)
Implement the quadratic regression algorithm, as shown in the following code snippet:
fit d vals = elems $ solve mat vec where mat = listArray ((1,1), (d,d)) $ matrixArray vec = listArray (1,d) $ take d vals matrixArray = concat [ polys x d | x <- [0..fromIntegral (d-1)]] polys x d = map (x**) [0..fromIntegral (d-1)]
Test out the function...