Calculating the height of a tree
The height of a tree is the length of the longest downward path from the root node. For example, the height of a balanced binary tree should be around log to the base 2 of the number of nodes.
Getting ready
As long as we're consistent, the height of a tree can be defined as either the number of nodes or the number of edges in the longest path. In this recipe, we will count by using the number of nodes. The longest path of this tree contains three nodes and two edges. Therefore, this tree has a height of three units.

How to do it...
Import the
maximum function
and the built-in tree data structure fromData.Tree
:import Data.List (maximum) import Data.Tree
Define a function to calculate the height of a tree:
height :: Tree a -> Int height (Node val []) = 1 height (Node val xs) = 1 + maximum (map height xs)
Construct a tree on which we will run our algorithm:
someTree :: Tree Integer someTree = root where root = 0 [n1, n4] n1 = 1 [n2,...