K-Means algorithm
K-Means is a random-based heuristic clustering algorithm. Random-based means that the output of the algorithm on the same data may be different on every run, while heuristic means that the algorithm does not reach the optimal solution. However, from experience, we know that it reaches a good solution.
K-Means clusters the data objects using a simple loop. The following diagram shows the steps that the algorithm performs, as well as the loop that heuristically finds the clusters in the data:
Figure 8.4 – K-Means flowchart
As we can see, the algorithm starts by randomly selecting k data objects as the cluster centroids. Then, the data objects are assigned to the cluster that is closest to its centroid. Next, the centroids are updated via the mean of all the data objects in the clusters. As the centroids are updated, the data objects are reassigned to the cluster that is closest to its centroid. Now, as the clusters are updated, the...