Using JSON to configure your scripts
The target of this recipe is to show how to use JSON as a format for configuring a Groovy application.
The requirements for a configuration file format are:
Multi-language support
Unicode support
JSON fully satisfies the above requirements, thus making a great candidate for configuring an application.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we work on a fictional application that maintains a connection to multiple databases. Each database has a number of parameters to configure such as host, port, credentials, and connection pool initial size.
The following is a sample JSON based configuration file for our application:
{ "configuration":{ "database":[ { "name":"database1", "host":"", "port":"4930", "user":"user-alpha", "password":"secret", "pool-initial-size":"10", "pool-max-size":"10" }, { "name":"database2", "host":"192.168.10...