Playing around with sessions, windows, and panes
So now that we have a high-level understanding, let's take a little tour of sessions, windows, and panes. Let's start totally fresh with a new terminal window and no existing tmux sessions. Start by creating a session named work:
$ tmux new-session -s work
You'll see a new session started with the name work. This session, currently, has a single window with a single pane.
Let's create another window. Recall that this is done by pressing <Prefix>, c (c for create). Now you have one session, two windows, and two panes. Each window has a single pane, as shown in the following screenshot:
Multiple sessions
Now let's see what it's like working with more than one session. Let's first detach the current session. Recall that in order to do so, we'll press <Prefix>, d (d for detach).
Now that the work session is detached, we are back at a command line, and your screen should be similar to the next screenshot. Instead of reattaching the work...